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3 Little Angels Academies : Same same but different!

Meet different actors taking actions to make the Little Angels Academy alive in Kathmandu, Chennai and Tondo. Discover this amazing initiative through the daily life at the nursery

LAA TONDO- Anariza Cajodo, Nursery Leader

I am Anariza Cajodo, I am 30 years old and I live in Tondo, Manila. I am a former Youth of LP4Y. I was part of the team Aurora, who made hand-stitched mice and wallets in the Life Project Center in Tondo. I have been working as the nursery coordinator of all Little Angels Academy in the Philippines for five years now. As a LAA coordinator I manage the organisation, finance and pedagogy.

The Little Angels Academy is very important for children and mothers, as we guide them, take care of the children and provide them with pedagogical activities such as educational activities, cooking and music, gardening and sports.

Usually, we organize an excursion for all children every two months. Yet, because of the pandemic we postponed it . Children follow a healthy diet, and we teach the children how to be independent. We also still provide mothers with diapers, so they can maintain a good quality of hygiene for their children and save more money.

As a young mother I know that it's hard to find a job if you know that no one will take care of your children. That is why I want to be a bridge for my co Youth in LP4Y to get their dreams and we are very thankful that LP4Y have a Little Angels Academy to support the mothers and children achieve their dreams!

LAA KATHMANDU- Nirmala Magar, LAA Coordinator

Hello Namaste, I am Nirmala. I am Coordinator in the LP4Y Training Development Center in Kathmandu. Today I will do a testimony about our Little Angels Academy.

What is the LAA? The LAA means LITTLE ANGELS ACADEMY. It is a nursery at the TDC (Training Development Center) LP4Y located in Jagritinagar Tinkune in Kathmandu for the babies of the mothers from lp4y youth.

In our LAA, we have 13 babies :

  • from 0 to 9 months : 3 babies.

  • from 1 years to 4 years old : 10 babies.

We manage a team of 2 people, one nurse and one youth in our nursery.

My responsibilities are :

To take Care of babies.

  • To create a clean and safe environment in the nursery.

  • To manage the finance and administrative :

  • I manage the cash book, scan the bills and receipts.

  • the daily Activities of the nursery.

  • To manage cooking for baby food.

  • To keep the toys together.

  • To make nursery planning.

What am I proud of?

First of all I have good support from my team. I am very happy because I can take care of the full decoration of the nursery to make it a nice place for the babies. I also welcomed a new nurse.

What do I like about my job?

  • I like to care about the babies.

  • I like cooking the food.

  • I like nursery decoration,teaching the baby etc...

Thank you!



  • Hemalatha & Saranya, LAA Assistants

  • Vijayalakshmi Tamilviji - Youth in Responsibility step


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Supported by Life Project 4 Youth

Life Project 4 Youth Alliance is a federation of 17 organizations in 14 countries whose mission is the development of innovative solutions for the professional and social inclusion of Young people (17-24 yo) from extreme poverty and victims of exclusion. 

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