Discover the pictures of the Youth from Green Village Nepal when they visited HYATT in Kathmandu!
Pramod Thakur - HR Manager - Hyatt Place Kathmandu

Actually our experience with LP4Y was amazing and at the same time it's a meaningful learning session for us as well. It was a great opportunity for us to share our experience about the hospitality industries with those young women and they are really keen to learn about the hotel industries. We explained them about the brand and also took them for the show round of each and every individual department of the hotel.
Nepal is an underdeveloped country and we all are aware of the socioeconomic condition of the country. Especially, when we talk about the condition of women from excluded backgrounds, it is very painful and we really appreciate LP4Y’s effort to make changes in their life.
As Hyatt we have a Rise HY program and the motto is to invite Youth to reach higher with Hyatt. So I believe we can collaborate and initially we can hire those women as trainees and place them in different departments and later on based on their performance we can hire them as FTEs as well.
I think this will be a stepping stone but definitely the outcomes will be greater and as Hyatt we believe in “Women Empowerment”.
Best Regards,
Pramod Thakur - HR Manager - Hyatt Place Kathmandu
