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International Women's Day at LP4Y: Promoting gender equality !

LP4Y centers take the opportunity to raise awareness about gender equality on the occasion of International Women's Day.

LPC Cagayan De Oro, Philippines

LPC Cilincing - Jakarta, Indonesia

TDC Sangam Vihar - Delhi, India

TDC Howrah - Kolkata, India

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, centers in different countries organized debates on the theme of “Gender Equality”. This was in line with LP4Y’s desire to empower Young women, and make them aware of their worth and potential in the professional world. Partners were invited to join the Youth and give their insights, especially on the importance of gender equality in the corporate world.

Let’s first dive into the introduction speech given by Sneha Shaw, 19 yo, Management step, and Sangita Singh, 18 yo, Responsibility step in the TDC Howrah, Kolkata (India) :

International Women’s Rights Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call for action to accelerate gender parity. 

Before our centers were LPC, Life Project Centers, and now we are in TDC, which means Training & Development Center. Before it was a 9 months training now it is a 6 months training. We have to choose our new Micro Economic Initiative for the community, about what they really need. For example, in Bangalore the MEI is to give computer training to the girls and women of the community. In Mumbai, the MEI advises the community on what they should eat for good health and where they can go if they have any health problems. 

Team spirit is important for the work. It is an attitude that enables people to work together. The team spirit is important in a work environment, for the efficiency of the team and to make the company stronger. Having a strong team spirit among the colleagues will push their motivation. In LP4Y there are 70% of girls and 30% of boys. It is meant for girls equality in the center.

Now, let’s discover the main ideas raised by speeches and debates in different LP4Y centers and countries !

TDC Sangam Vihar - Delhi

  • What are the inequalities between men and women you have noticed in your personal life (family ,friends …), in your professional life ,in your country (access to employment ,freedom etc.)?

- We face inequalities in personal life, girls are not allowed to go outside alone.

- Housework and “food work” are only for girls and not for boys, that is inequality.

- In the professional world, we have inequality because girls have fewer wages, fewer savings

We need to start changes in our own house. We can change the task distribution. When we are at home, we should think “this is our home, we have to work together”, there should not be « this is my task ».

  • When does it start ?

- Gender discrimination starts during childhood, when you are a girl you have pressure.

- Difference starts at the age of 0, you are not even born, you have colours assigned.

LPC Cagayan De Oro - Philippines

  • Testimony

“ We learned from the video of Mehek Khanum, from Bangalore in India about the inequalities between men and women. She said that in Dj halli area, there is discrimination and inequality between men and women. Men have the right to study but women do not have. After 16 or 17 of age women are forced to get married. They have no rights to study and go for a job that is why gender equality is important. Here in LP4Y in Cagayan De Oro we never felt any difference between men and women. We work together as much as we can.

We invited Ms.Hevah Salic who is the Information Officer of the Commission on Human Rights-RegionX. We learned a lot about gender equality, like “ sex cannot be changed, but a gender it can be. ”

  • About the debate :

As a man what do you think you could do in your personal life to improve gender equality ?

Always respect all genders. For example, if there is a gay front of us, you not bully that person you should show him respect.

How would be the world with gender equality? What will be the benefits for women and for society ?

If the world could have gender equality it will be astonished, men and women will both love their country more, there won’t be trust issues linked to gender. It will have a big impact and bring unity, everyone can benefit from gender equality.

TDC Howrah - Kolkata, India (Inspiring quotes)

“Equality is not in the mindset of our society but it needs to change. ” Ankit Gupta, Urban Food Company

" It's not about women, it's about women and men being equal." Carla, Catalyst

“ We have to check within ourselves, in our families. How do we look at women? Are you sure you look at a woman as equal? That is the start. “ Puneet Kapur, external trainer

" We should talk about humanity, not genders." Animesh, Next is You

LPC Cilincing - Jakarta, Indonesia

The debate highlights the ideas below :

  • Gender equality is also affected by culture and tradition

  • One of the gender stereotypes is that men should be the "breadwinner", the primary figure who supports the family financially

  • The challenges that women often faced are:

    • Stereotype

    • Competitiveness

    • Misconception

    • Government regulation

  • The benefits of gender equality (once it's achieved) are :

    • Harmony in life (women and men can work together equally)

    • More opportunities for women and men

CONCLUSION : This day was a great success among the Youth and partners. It allowed Youth of LP4Y to raise their voice on gender equality, confront their experiences in both the professional and personal lives but also see the remaining challenges!


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Supported by Life Project 4 Youth

Life Project 4 Youth Alliance is a federation of 17 organizations in 14 countries whose mission is the development of innovative solutions for the professional and social inclusion of Young people (17-24 yo) from extreme poverty and victims of exclusion. 

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