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"The most important thing I learned is to dream"

Babita Baniya, TDC Kathmandu, Nepal


My name is Babita Baniya. I live in Shantinagar. I am 21 years old. I joined LP4Y in February 2021.Now, I am in the Entrepreneur step. Currently I am working on my own.

Before coming to LP4Y I worked as a housemaid for two months. But it was really difficult to satisfy them and also I had to work a lot and I was paid very less so I left it. Then after I worked as a labor in the construction of new houses, I worked as labor till I was pregnant for 8 months. I earned a good amount while I was working there and I managed to save 2 Lakhs($1680). But my husband got sick and had to spend that money on his operation. After that I had a baby boy and I was not doing anything at home so my landlady told me about LP4Y. I came to the center with her and I liked the program of LP4Y and I joined it.

In LP4Y I learned many things. First day of joining LP4Y, there was computer training. I had never seen a computer in my life. When I touched it I was so scared, I was thinking if I didn’t touch it in the right way I might damage the computer. My friends and coaches taught me how to operate the computer. After that I could type, use gmail, make a budget sheet etc. I also learned English. Before coming to LP4Y I didn’t even know how to speak Nepali well because I come from a really remote place in Nepal where they speak Nepali in different ways. I never went to school, but after coming to LP4Y I learned to read and write both in Nepali and English as I had to learn it to do the training so I took some time at home and learnt it with the help of a sister who was living near to my place. And in the center I tried to speak with my friends and coaches and I improved a lot. I also learned how to communicate with people well.

During the lockdown, my husband didn’t have any work, we didn’t have any money left, our gas cylinder was empty and we were not able to pay the house rent. I was so worried. At the same time the sister living near to my room approached me and said let’s sell some vegetables together. So, we went to the market place to see how it works.

Babita and her team, Care 4 Change. Babita is on the right, lower row.

It was the season of maize so I thought of bringing maize and selling it door to door. First time I bought maize for NRS.500($4.20) and carried it in a basket made of Himalayan Bamboo. I went door to door, I was feeling a little bit awkward and shy but in my mind I was thinking that I have to sell it to get my money back and I managed to sell all of it and came back with NRS.600($5.04) profit. There are 3 size of maize I buy with different price, small size NRS.4/pc, medium size NRS.7/pc and large size NRS.10/pc, and I sell it in double price. I carry it in doko (basket) and sell it near to my area and Baneswor area. If I buy the maize of NRS.700-800 ($5.88-$6.77),when I finish it I get profit of NRS.1500-1600($12.06-$13.44). Sunday, Monday and Tuesday people take fasting in Nepal so I sell more and earn more profit. In these three days if I sell the maize of NRS 900-1000($7.56-$8.40) , I get a profit of NRS.2000-3000($16.80-$25.21). (Because when they fast, they can still eat maize and different kinds of spinach which are considered pure.)

I use the earned money on the household goods, pay the rent and for baby care products for my baby. The rest of the money I save and deposit in the finance in my account as well as my son’s account. My dream job is to open a small shop, so with the saved money I plan to open a small meat and vegetable shop with my husband because I have experience and knowledge on selling vegetables. I use my savings for my son’s education and emergency health care. I am really satisfied with the work I am doing now because if you work in another place you have to be in control of others and you earn less, now I am working on my own and I am the boss. I earn around 35000-40000($294.11-$336.13) per month.

I learned many things after coming to LP4Y. The most important thing I learned is to dream because I never thought that we could dream and reach that. I learned to be independent, learnt how to communicate with the customer effectively, and how to communicate with known and unknown people. I use this skill in the work I am doing now. Now, I think that I can stand on my feet and feed my family. I am independent now.

I want to advise the youth who are in LP4Y that there are enough opportunities if you search. You need to accept whatever jobs you get to gain some experience. We should not be lazy and sit still. Everything is difficult in the beginning but if you start working on it you will reach success. We must be independent and should have courage to stand on our own feet.

I want to thank all the coaches of LP4Y. I learned many things in LP4Y. I learned to be independent and be strong.

Thank you coaches and thank you all.

Namaste everyone!!!!


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Supported by Life Project 4 Youth

Life Project 4 Youth Alliance is a federation of 17 organizations in 14 countries whose mission is the development of innovative solutions for the professional and social inclusion of Young people (17-24 yo) from extreme poverty and victims of exclusion. 

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