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Youth of Malwani x Roquette

At the occasion of Roquette Live in November, the Youth of TDC Malwani introduced their center and MEI to the team! Enjoy an inspiring trip in Mumbai!

Leonie Sohier, Joséphane Manière & Care 4 Change team, Malwani, India

The Mumbai LP4Y Team

The Youth of Malwani, Mumbai, gave a spectacular presentation before the Roquette Team.

November 25th 2021 was indeed another most awaited day for the Youth, coaches and the supporting Catalysts at Malwani TDC, in Mumbai. Three young ladies from Mumbai – Sameera, Ishrat and Nisha – gave an online tour of their center to Roquette representatives during this event called “Roquette Live“.

Roquette is not only a stupendous and world famous plant based business, but it is something more for Mumbai LP4Y TDC. They have been one of the biggest supportive partners for Malwani TDC, Mumbai. So it is indeed a very special moment for the team of Malwani. Ishrat, Sameera and Nisha are three young ladies from the Indian dream in Mumbai, they are from the excluded families for whom to have a minimum decent lifestyle is a far fetched dream.

Mumbai is the financial center of India, where the richest people lead a life at the opposite end of the spectrum from those who live in more than precarious conditions. Most of the Youth in the center of Mumbai belong to the later social set up where poverty, lack of hygiene, little educational opportunities, high drop out rates are common phenomena. LP4Y has opened its door to these excluded community of Youth where they can come and realize their dreams.

These 3 Youth gave Roquette an online tour of their center. They were the ones who planned and designed this online tour for Roquette representatives and Isabelle, a long time partner who has been working for Le Petit Journal in Mumbai and had relentlessly guided them to make this event a super success.

In the beginning they introduced themselves and their reason for being in LP4Y and what their future goals for the long run are. All 3 of them dream to be working as professionals in the corporate world after their 6-month LP4Y Journey.

They set out to show the nooks and corners of LP4Y Mumbai center.

Then, 6 Youth in MEI training activity explained at the "Roquette Live" that they would train women and men of excluded community about menstruation, reality of menstruation beyond superstition, how to handle the stigma attached to menstruation, use of menstrual pads and usefulness of menstrual cup and after that they would organize some "questions & answers" and brainstorming sessions.

Ishrat Sameera Nisha

1 -- Arshiya, Warkiya, Aisha, Manisha, Saiba and Kavita all expressed their feelings about the effectiveness of MEI Care 4 Change training on the platform as well. And how such MEI training giving practice is helping them to accumulate more knowledge for their personal and professional growth.

2 -- For Warkiya: “When I had first arrived here, I was shy, my communication skill was very poor. The MEI training that we impart to the community here is helpful in developing public speaking skill and confidence in general. Here we give training to so many boys and girls in the center , in schools , sometimes we work in collaboration with other NGOs. So it has been super helpful for my professional development".

3 -- Computer Room: Jyoti and Pooja also introduced their communication room to their impressed spectators online, there are both in full job search stage. The well connected Internet system and accessible computers are helpful enough for them to contact different workplaces online or give online interviews and stay connected with employers over phone on a regular basis. Jyoti said "In Mumbai the job market is dynamic and super competitive, to stay connected is very important for us , so it is helpful to be here most of the time."

Youth also explained that they make their resumes by using CANVA application on computer, they can access Digital Inc. online training sessions here in LP4Y and how it is helping them to understand many necessary topics, sometimes they also receive online training from trainers overseas.

4 -- Office Room :

The tour ended at the office room with a thorough look at how Catalysts work with the Youth throughout the day for the better functioning of the center, and project.

“ Roquette Live” was impressive because the Youth are the ones who did the entire planning. Coaches and Catalysts just did the follow up with them. This type of exercises always hone their skills to organize and manage big events and prepare them more to take up new challenges.

This Roquette live was not only an online tour for Roquette representatives. The Youth from the excluded community of Mumbai showed that now the world around them does not seem void any more. Even Roquette personnels know and believe that as compared to the little facilities they have got in this unequal society they have managed to advance towards their dream and it clearly shows that whatever little they have they are happy, confident and ready to take up challenges to improve more and bring about some changes in their lives and community.

Sameera managed to find a job in Decathlon. Pooja and Jyoti got hired by a Mumbai based beauty Parlour in this month of December 2021. These Youth are all set to step into the professional world.

A small step made forward would certainly lead to a big change.

Indeed, Less is More.


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Supported by Life Project 4 Youth

Life Project 4 Youth Alliance is a federation of 17 organizations in 14 countries whose mission is the development of innovative solutions for the professional and social inclusion of Young people (17-24 yo) from extreme poverty and victims of exclusion. 

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